
The full program is available in png format here and in pdf format here.

The program of tutorials and workshops on Monday 26 is available here.

The detailed program of the industry day is available here.

The detail of the Sessions can be found below :

Papers session 1a : Topic Modelling

Papers session 1b : Health Applications

Papers session 2a : Deep Learning I

Papers session 2b : Evaluations & User behavior

Papers session 3a : Representation I

Papers session 3b : Recommendation

Papers session 4a : Retrieval

Papers session 4b : Deep Learning II

Papers session 5 : Learning / Classification

Papers session 6 : Micro-blogs

Papers session 7 : Representation II

Posters and Demos : Short papers

Posters and Demos : Demonstrations



Industry Sessions : TBD

In the meantime, you can check: