Mentorship Program

Call for the ECIR student mentoring program

ECIR 2018 is offering a student mentoring program with the objective to help and support students with the writing of their papers to be submitted to the ECIR conference, and hereby increase the quality of submissions.

If you are a PhD student who plans to submit a paper to ECIR 2018, you may consider the ECIR student mentoring program. The ECIR student mentoring program offers help, guidance, and feedback on the writing of your draft paper by assigning a mentor to you, who help you in preparing and maturing the paper for submission.

How to sign up for the ECIR student mentoring program

You send an email to the mentorship chairs (Mihai LupuĀ  and Jacques Savoy) at In the email, you describe briefly the topic of your paper and possibly the problems you might have concerning the paper. Signing up takes place in the period of July 10 – August 21, 2018.

Then we match you with a relevant and competent scholar, basically based on your description of your topic of the paper.
We email you the name and email address of the assigned mentor.

You contact by email the mentor with your draft paper (attached the email), including an outline of what in particular you need help with, that is, what you wish the mentor to focus on in the reading of your draft paper.

Having read the draft paper, the mentor emails the feedback to you. This may develop into an email correspondence.

Some notes

  • Please note, when submitting the draft paper to the assigned mentor, the paper should be a completed draft that allows the mentor to provide you with constructive feedback
  • Do also note that participation in the ECIR student mentoring program does not guarantee acceptance of research papers at the ECIR 2018 conference
  • It should be noted that all mentors help out on a voluntary basis and should be acknowledge and respected for this willingness to contribute their spare time

More information


Mentors can be signed up for from: July 10 to August 21, 2018.
Mentors will be assigned on a “first come first served” basis.
Deadline for submission of full paper to ECIR 2018 is: October 16th, 2017

Student Mentorship Chairs

Mihai Lupu, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Jacques Savoy, University of Neufchatel, Switterland