
Grant application for students

The ECIR-Grenoble grant program provides stipends to cover registration fees for full-time students who wish to attend ECIR 2018 in Grenoble, also available some grants to cover travel expenses.

The call is now open. Grant applications should be sent to before the 17th of January 2018. Results will be given to applicants on the 20th of January 2018.

Only complete applications will be considered. Late applications will not be considered. A second call may be open in late January depending on the new fund we got.

The required documents are (to be sent in a single pdf file):

  • a grant application document (1 page)
  • a short letter of support from your supervisor
  • a copy of your current student I.D.

If you need a visa: getting a grant do not implies you will get your visa, DO apply as soon as possible.

The grant application 1 page max should contain the following elements:

  • Full name, address, university  and country
  • Concerning your PhD
    • Date when you started your PhD
    • Topic of the PhD ; supervisor(s)
    • Current research, studies, publications, CV related to the conference topics
  • Concerning ECIR
    • Do you apply for travel expenses or/and registration fees.
    • Did you submit a paper?
    • If yes, is your paper accepted?
    • Why attending the event will be beneficial to you


Registration fees plus Travel (up to 500 €):

Jalan Sanjay Raksah F IIIT Hyderabad India
Lin Xinshi M HongKong univ HongKong
Ruseti Stefan M Univ Politehnica Bucarest Romania
Sotudeh Sajad M Shahid Beheshti Univ Iran
Wang Qi F Central China Normal Univ China

Registration fees:

Badjatiya Pinkesh M IIIT Hyderabad & MS India India
Bahreinian Seyed Ali M USI Switzerland
Brazier David M Northumbria University UK
Herrera Maldonado José Miguel M Univ Chile Chile
Mahta Parth M ICT Gandhinagar India
Mao Jiaxin M Tsinghua Univ China
Maxwell David M Univ Glasgow UK
McDonald Graham M Univ Glasgow UK
Mazoyer Beatrice F Univ Paris-Saclay France
Perez Pablo Sanchez M Univ Autonoma Madrid Spain
Purpura Alberto M Univ Padua Italy
Singh Gaurav M UCL UK
Tian Junfeng M East China Univ China
Zhang Ruquing F Chinese Acad. Science China
Zhang Yazhou M Tianjin Univ. China

Student Grants Chairs

Josiane Mothe, Université de Toulouse, France
Fabio Crestani, USI, Switterland