Paper submission

Camera-ready Version Submission

The final paper and the additional documents are due on theĀ 29 December 2017.

This is a firm deadline for the production of the proceedings.

Please submit the files for your camera-ready paper using your EasyChair author account. Follow the instructions after the login for uploading three files:

  1. One zipped file containing either all your LaTeX sources or a Word or a RTF format file. For Latex submissions you should include the references in .bbl format, style files and images in addition to your .tex file.
  2. PDF version of your camera-ready paper, and
  3. PDF version of the filled and signed copyright form (LNCS-Springer_Copyright_Form_ECIR_2018). It is sufficient for one of the authors to sign the copyright form. Please read carefully the end of the form, and tick only if you are employee of US Government, of the Crown, of the European Union ( or Euratom.

The given page limit is strict (full papers must not exceed 12 pages, short papers must not exceed 6 pages, demonstration papers must not exceed 4 pages, reproducible IR track papers must not exceed 12 pages, including references and figures).
Please follow strictly the guidelines for proceedings authors of Springer when preparing the final version:

Our publisher has recently introduced an extra control loop: once data processing is finished, they will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers. We expect this to happen shortly before the printing of the proceedings. At that time your quick interaction with Springer will be greatly appreciated.

Any question? Get in touch with the proceeding chairs Philippe Mulhem and Michel Beigbeder at